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Financial Abundance

Financial Abundance

Financial abundance is something we all like in our lives and money is something which has more authority and power over us than anything else and is fundamentally necessary for us to be able to lead our lives.

Most people learn about the law of attraction techniques in order to acquire abiding financial abundance. While you can attract financial success by using the manifestation tools, achieving financial abundance requires hard work and dedication, persistence and patience.

It is only when you start believing in yourself, and be persistent about it, that the universe will begin to accommodate your own financial goals. You need to do everything that is necessary to achieve goals.

It is from within that your adventure into financial abundance starts. Your life will change forever when you are able to attain the state of mind which wealth effectively is.

Unfortunately, the biggest barrier blocking your ascendancy into financial freedom is your attitude towards money. Wealthy people tend to think in a different way from those who are poor; this is what really separates them, not just money itself.

So how do you attain this mindset that attracts wealth? We’ll find out here soon enough.

Financial Abundance – Setting Your “Financial Thermostat”

In order to attain financial abundance you need to set your own financial thermostat. Lots of people fail, even though they work very hard, because they settle for the financial thermostat that they inherited from their parents.

It is an amazing fact that 70 percent of those who have won the lottery, according to a research study, have ended up with the financial state and lifestyle that they had before, irrespective of the size of their lottery win.

The amount of wealth that you enjoy is determined by the amount you can handle with comfort. So if you set the financial thermostat to thousands, that is what you will always get, irrespective of any windfalls of millions that you may get accidentally.

Ask yourself the question: in order to live as you would ideally like, how much money would that need? Don’t worry if your ideal figure is a thousand times in excess of what you have at present. Just adjust the financial thermostat to that exact figure. And if you find yourself having negative thoughts such as you don’t deserve this or that amount, just tell your self that you do! You need to break through all those negative thoughts and reinforce what you really want to have.

Building a Healthy Relationship With Money

There are plenty of people whose relationship with money is one of frustration and lack of trust, often spending more than their income, and constantly fearing money itself; this is hardly the healthy relationship that you want to have with money, and it can only lead to impoverishment and misery.

A mindset like that will always focus on scarcity and on depletion, rather than abundance and plenty. The law of attraction states that if you focus on poverty then it is poverty that you will attract.

You need to observe your own behaviour and financial self-image if you want to correct your faulty relationship with money.
All of us have made bad financial decisions at some time, so you need to forgive yourself for those. Unless you do that, you won’t be able to move forward. Say goodbye to your old errors and hello to your new relationship with money.

Every week you should allocate one hour’s time to have a look at all your financial accounts, bank accounts and credit cards. Face up to this now!

You’ll find it tremendously useful to develop a healthy money mindset if you make use of positive affirmations which will improve your relationship with money:

* The universe constantly supplies me with money
* I love money and money also loves me
* I’m very aware of being positive and happy about money
* No limits exist to the amount of money I can have
* My relationship with money is booming

 Develop Rich Habits for Financial Abundance

Habits form nearly 50 percent of all our daily actions, and our lives are probably determined by these habits more than we’re aware. These habits can make you wealthy or keep you poor, and they control whether we succeed or fail. You’ll need to forgo your poor habits and take up rich habits if you want to attain financial abundance.

Take a piece of paper and draw two columns on it. In the first one list your daily bad habits and in the second one write your new wealthy habits.

For example:

Daily Bad Habits Daily Good Habits
I never exercise enough I will exercise for 1 hour each day.
I go to bed too late I’ll retire to bed at 10 to 10:30 pm each night
I constantly leave things until the last minute I’ll ensure that I do all tasks on my to-do list each day
I make use of my cellphone right up to going to bed I won’t make use of my cellphone for one hour before going to bed
I always eat far too much junk food I’ll stop the junk food habit and only have it as an occasional treat.

Wrap Up

Getting yourself up to speed with financial abundance is not a difficult task, especially if it’s done in small stages. You’ll find that it takes a bit of work to shift from a poverty mindset to a wealth mindset. Re-calibrate your own financial thermostat and enhance your relationship with money by cultivating wealthy habits, and the universe will let you have your goal.

Eve Serene

I wanted to know more about the law of attraction, but there was so much information out there, as a result I have written these articles. Collating all the relevant basic information, so that I could share with you what I have learnt.

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