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Power Of Affirmations

Power Of Affirmations

The Power of Affirmations is important as it reinforces your wants and helps to train your brain to achieve the correct vibrations required.

Making use of powerful positive affirmations is an extremely good way in which you are able to calibrate your subconscious to trust in the limitlessness of what you can achieve. This is a great way of re-calibrating your mind positively and it also banishes all the negativity which has a habit of invading our peace.

When practising affirmations you are quite literally making use of the power of words to get rid of something or enhance something in life. When you repeat the affirmations you are gradually transforming yourself. You are declaring your intentions to the universe and them to take the shape to become reality. Positive affirmations have allowed a multitude of people to significantly change their lives all over the world.

The Power of Affirmations – How Do They Work?

When using affirmations you actually command your subconscious to vanquish the mental and physical barriers that you had always thought were overwhelming. When you practice positive affirmations you repeat certain things over and over again.

When we do this, our brain form fresh neural pathways, and then reinforces these. The words we repeat allow dynamic forces to form in ourselves. Eventually, our minds will follow these statements and the changes in our lives will occur.

The Methods of Using – Affirmations

There are different ways of using affirmations and these consist of various methods such as writing them down, saying them out aloud, repeating them in your head, recording them into a tape recorder then playing them back to you, and also getting someone else to repeat the affirmations for you.

A broadly used way of doing this is writing affirmations. You can do this because it is very quiet and can be done easily; it’s crucial to be at peace with the world when writing affirmations. Writing between three and ten affirmation during each session should be sufficient, and this could be done on your computer.

Repeating affirmations out loud is the well-tried and tested way of doing this, and it is also the most popular. It works best by saying the affirmations before a mirror, staring directly at your own eyes in front of you when you repeat the statements. Always state the words of affirmations with total conviction.

Say the words slowly so that your mind is able to completely understand what it is you are saying, using a calm voice. Never do this hurriedly or with bad thoughts in your head. Address yourself as you would a close friend. Remain attentive, loving and caring.

You could always repeat the statements inside your head if you don’t feel comfortable repeating them out loud. If you do that then it means that you can make use of this technique anywhere and on any occasion.

Another way is to record your statements. Record your affirmations and then play back your voice repeating the affirmations while you fall asleep, which will improve the effects of this.

A friend could also repeat these affirmations to you, as a variant of this. Instead, of course, they would say “You are well in body, mind and spirit” instead of “I am …”

Repeating The Positive Statements

Repeating the statements will be able to relax you and will help you to get rid of the burden of negative thoughts and deposit them in the void that they came from.

You may find it useful that, when you repeat the statements, you imagine that this is like discarding your negative thoughts into a stream which gradually takes them out and away to vanish from your life forever.

These are a few good positive affirmations to begin with:

  • I’m completing my life’s work
  • I have total confidence in my capabilities
  • I love myself and strongly affirm myself
  • I have everything which is necessary for positive changes to my life
  • I am well in body, mind and spirit.
  • I always choose things deliberately
  • I am justified in enjoying wealth and success in life
  • I relish everything life has to offer
  • I always use everything to the maximum
  • My body merits respect and love
  • I am the master of my life
  • I am gathering infinite wealth
  • I am wealthy in all aspects of my life
  • I’m in possession of a fantastic body
  • I really like being myself
  • My capacity to defeat obstacles is limitless
  • There is nothing I cannot accomplish
  • I laugh freely and regularly
  • I am as valued and significant as any other person
  • I am self-assured in my own body
  • Everything that I do is for the best
  • I like being me
  • I totally justify being who I am
  • I am totally without any negative influences
  • My capacity to succeed is total

Wrap Up

When you find yourself practising affirmations each day you will be constantly reinforcing their significance and this will focus and motivate you.  Increase your alertness to opportunities, and help you reach your life targets.

Eve Serene

I wanted to know more about the law of attraction, but there was so much information out there, as a result I have written these articles. Collating all the relevant basic information, so that I could share with you what I have learnt.

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